Monday, 2 July 2012
Monday, 12 March 2012

THE BRANDLAUREATE - SMEs Brand Personality Award
Securiforce Sdn Bhd executive chairman Datuk Maznah Hamid (left) posing for a photograph with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Al- Muktafi Billah Shah Al- Haj, Asia Pacific Brands Foundation chairman Datuk Syed Amin Aljeffri (second from left) and The BrandLaureate CEO Dr K.K. Johan (right) after receiving The BrandLaureate – SMEs Brand Personality Award. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read More |
The company was founded in 1946 by Minoru Yoneyama as a producer of wooden floats for fishing net. The company was later forced out of this market because of the invention of plastic floats. This led to a commitment by Yoneyama to never again be left behind by technological advancements.
In 1957, Yoneyama began to make badminton racquets for other brands. By 1961, the first Yoneyama-branded racquet was introduced, and within another two years an export company was created for the worldwide distribution. After the company began to make aluminium badminton racquets in 1969, it found that the same technology could be applied to the tennis racquet which the company introduced in 1971. The company began to experiment with graphite shafts for both types of racquets and found that these would also be useful for golf clubs.
Finding a growing market, the Yonex Corporation (a wholly owned subsidiary) was established in Torrance California in July 1983. In 1992 Yonex introduced the widebody badminton racquet, the "Isometric 500", a racquet that was much less "tear drop"-shaped than previous ones. The more "square" head gave it a much larger striking surface, which provides a larger "sweet spot" to hit the shuttle. It led other manufacturers to follow suit in "square-head" or isometric designs.
The parent company was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1994. Despite its shrinking market share in badminton, Yonex remains the biggest badminton company in the world. Yonex provides clothing for national badminton associations around the world, such as the Malaysian Badminton Association, Badminton Scotland, Badminton England, Badminton Ireland, and Badminton Wales
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Latar Belakang Syarikat
Sejarah Fraser & Neave
Syarikat Singapura dan selat air berkabonat telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1883 oleh John Fraser dan David Chalmers Neave, yang dipelbagaikan daripada perniagaan percetakan mereka (Percetakan Pejabat Singapura dan Selat ) . Syarikat ini menjadi perintis perniagaan air berkabonat di Asia Tenggara pada tahun 1883. Pada tahun 1898, sebuah syarikat awam yang baru ditubuhkan dan kedua-dua perniagaan yang dijual kepada syarikat baru, yang dinamakan Fraser & Neave (F & N), $ 290.000 dalam bentuk wang tunai dan saham.
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Beras Faiza
Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad |
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Sunday, 11 March 2012
Amway is direct selling company and manufacturer that uses network marketing to sell a variety of products, primarily in the health, beauty, and home care markets. Amway was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos. Based in Ada, Michigan the company and family of companies under Alticor reported sales growth of 9.5%, reaching US$9.2 billion for the year ending December 31, 2010.Its product lines include home care products, personal care products, jewelry, electronics, Nutrilite dietary supplements, water purifiers, air purifiers, insurance and cosmetics. In 2004, Health & Beauty products accounted for nearly 60% of worldwide sales. Amway conducts business through a number of affiliated companies in more than a hundred countries and territories around the world. Amway was ranked No.114 among the largest global retailers by Deloitte in 2006, and No.32 among the largest private companies in the U.S. by Forbes in 2010. Amway's business practices have been the subject of controversy and the company has been involved in several court cases in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.
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Pengasas YKK
Tadao Yoshida
Sejarah YKK
Pada tahun 1932, Tadao Yoshida yang berusia 24 tahun bekerja di sebuah syarikat yang menghasilkan zip dan selepas itu majikannya telah jatuh bankrap. Pada tahun 1934 Tadao Yoshida mengasaskan sendiri Syarikat YKK ini di Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Pada awal penciptaan zip, ia telah dipanggil "clasp locker" . Ia telah direka pada 1891 oleh Whitcomb L Judson. Kemudian, pada 1913, Gideon Sundback Sweden mengubahsuai zip "clasp locker" dan menggunakan gigi logam lalu terciptalah zip seperti yang kita lihat hari ini, dan tercipta ia pada 1917. Hari ini, terdapat juga zip yang dibuat daripada plastik. Singkatan YKK merupakan kepanjangan dari Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha . Tadao Yoshida mendirikan Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha iaitu nama penuh kilang YKK pada tahun 1934.
YKK menjalankan perniagaan di Jepun, Asia, Amerika Syarikat dan Brazil. Sistem pengeluarannya memiliki produk yang dibangunkan untuk memenuhi keperluan pasaran yang tepat dan menyampaikan tahap kualiti yang dipercayai di seluruh dunia. Jenama YKK adalah bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai barangan yang menawarkan kualiti, kepelbagaian dan keunikan, berdasarkan pelbagai pengetahuan bagaimana ia telah terkumpul melalui projek-projek utama di seluruh dunia. Pelanggan-pelanggan sedia tahu mereka boleh bergantung kepada YKK untuk pembuatan berkualiti tinggi. Jenama YKK biasanya dijumpai dalam barangan :
* Pakaian
* Perabot
* Beg
* Peralatan Sukan
* Pakaian
* Perabot
* Beg
* Peralatan Sukan
Syarikat ini iaitu kilang membuat zip kini terulung di dunia, beliau membuat kira-kira 90% daripada semua zip iaitu lebih kurang 206 kilang di 52 buah negara. Mereka bukan sahaja membuat zip malah mereka membuat mesin untuk membuat zip. Kilang terbesar mereka adlah di Georgia iaitu membuat lebih 7 juta zip setipa hari.
produk - produk yang dihasilkan
Satu kawasan kilang YKK di Macon, di Amerika Syarikat menghasilkan 7 juta zip sehari, dalam sejumlah 1,500 jenis dan dalam lebih daripada 427 standard warna-warna. Ia merupakan kilang zip terbesar dunia. Kilang zip di Macon ini juga menghasilkan acuannya yang sendiri untuk membuat gigi-gigi zip dan bahagian-bahagian gelangsar untuk zip tersebut. Kilang sama juga mengeluarkan dan mewarna benang itu. YKK juga mengeluarkan mesin-mesin yang membuat zip itu.
Untuk merealisasikan visi ini, YKK menumpukan perhatian kepada empat bidang utama:
1) Mengukuhkan fungsi pemasaran untuk memenuhi pelbagai keperluan pelanggan.
2) Meningkatkan produktiviti dengan memajukan kemahiran kejuruteraan produk.
3) Menggunakan sistem WAVE maklumat untuk maklum balas yang cepat terhadap perubahan pasaran dan untuk menganalisis strategi perniagaan yang berbeza;
4) Dan berusaha ke arah bertaraf dunia, ke arah mana kita telah mencapai ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 dan ISO 27001 pensijilan.
Dalam usaha berterusan untuk kecemerlangan organisasi, YKK yakin bahawa dengan adanya keempat-empat bidang utama operasi, dan dengan sokongan semua pihak, ia akan dapat memberikan perkhidmatan yang lebih baik dan kepuasan kepada pelanggan.
Nikon (M) Sdn Bhd
Nikon (M) Sdn Bhd merupakan sebuah anak syarikat Nikon Corporation Jepun, pengeluar antarabangsa yang terkenal dan pengedar pengimejan berkualiti tinggi dan peralatan industri. Nikon Malaysia mempunyai hak eksklusif untuk mengedar dan memasarkan rangkaian lengkap produk Nikon di seluruh Asia Timur dan Malaysia Barat iaitu :
i. Produk pengimejan - kamera digital/filem, kanta dan aksesori.
ii. Sukan optic – teropong, teleskop dan rangefinder laser.
iii. Produk instrumen – mikroskop dan instrumen mengukur.
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The Subway Story
Fred de luca |
The Seventeen-Year-Old Entrepreneur
Back in 1965, Fred DeLuca set out to fulfill his dream of becoming a medical doctor. Searching for a way to help pay for his education, a family friend suggested he open a submarine sandwich shop.With a loan of $1,000, the friend—Dr. Peter Buck—offered to become Fred’s partner, and a business relationship was forged that would change the landscape of the fast food industry.
The first store was opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut in August, 1965. Then, they set a goal of having 32 stores opened in 10 years. Fred soon learned the basics of running a business, as well as the importance of serving a well-made, high quality product, providing excellent customer service, keeping operating costs low and finding great locations. These early lessons continue to serve as the foundation for successful SUBWAY® restaurants around the world.
Subway The Franchise
By 1974, the duo owned and operated 16 submarine sandwich shops throughout Connecticut. Realizing they would not reach their 32 store goal in time, they began franchising, launching the SUBWAY® brand into a period of remarkable growth which continues to this day.
Among of product
Eat Fresh - Subway’s slogan is perfect. How much more simple could they make their slogan to imply so much? Does any other national food chain come close to competing? You can see your food being made with tons of leafy greens piled high right before your eyes.
Picking a Fight - Subway uses its own products against the competition in their quest to elevate themselves. Subway says look at how bad McDonald’s or Burger King is for you and look how great our food is for you. The names, products and health information of different brands are listed right on Subway’s packaging and marketing material.
Same but Different - One of the biggest reasons I personally love going to Subway is for the food and how it is the same sandwich yet it is just a little bit different every time. I can order the same Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich from 5 different Subway Restaurants and they will be just a little bit different each time. Not to mention a few extra or fewer veggies or sauces adds an element of satisfaction you are looking for at that moment. Having the ability to add or take away as you see fit is a nice and welcomed change from the other fast food joints.
All Food, All Hours - Most fast food restaurants have to switch systems over in order to make breakfast items vs regular menu items. Subway doesn’t have this problem because they are only adding egg as an additional element. No matter what type of person you are, you’re able to enjoy breakfast for dinner and visa-versa.
A Fresh Future
Today, the SUBWAY® brand is the world's largest submarine sandwich chain with more than 34,000 locations around the world. We’ve become the leading choice for people seeking quick, nutritious meals that the whole family can enjoy. From the beginning, Fred has had a clear vision for the future of the SUBWAY® brand. As we continue to grow, we are guided by his passion for delighting customers by serving fresh, delicious, made-to-order sandwiches. What we can learn from true story of DE Luca
1. He did not settle for a regular job in the hardware store, as most ordinary teenagers in his position would have done to pay their bills, because he was motivated by a higher ideal: going to college to become a doctor.
2. He leveraged his relationship with Buck to develop an original idea in the restaurant business.
3. He did not give up after his initial failure of his first restaurant, but instead dreamed even bigger. When this second failed, he added yet another store. After his third store, he finally turned a profit.
4. Finally, when he was not achieving his goal of having 30 restaurants in 10 years, only getting half that number, he came up with the idea of creating an owner-operator business. Franchising resulted in tens of thousands of Subway stores around the world.
5. Today, when most people would have retired to a life of ease, he still pursues his vision of becoming the fastest growing franchise in the world.